Works On-Site

We are bringing the buildings back into an historic use while carrying out architectural and structural renovation to restore them to their former glory.

Vascroft Contractors Ltd (Vascroft) has been appointed to undertake the works on-site. Vascroft has over 43 years’ experience in construction, refurbishment and engineering, working across a wide range of sectors, including for private clients on the Grosvenor Estate.


We aim to minimise any possible disruption during the construction period. In the past few weeks, you may have seen some activity on-site as the scaffolding and hoardings have been installed. Vascroft has started the demolition of the mews façade on Halkin Street, as well as many internal demolitions.

Site Hours

Monday-Friday - 8am-6pm

Saturdays - 8am-1pm

COVID Compliant

The site is Covid compliant and the highest standards of compliance are maintained with regular audits.

Construction Management Plan

We have agreed a Construction Management Plan with Westminster City Council, which is strictly adhered to.

Considerate Constructors Scheme

The site is registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme and is monitored against a Code of Considerate Practice achieving standards way beyond statutory requirements.

Minimising Nuisance

Noise and dust monitors are in place to ensure agreed levels are not breached. Systems to monitor noise and dust have been installed to ensure agreed levels are not breached.

No audio equipment is be allowed on site, e.g. radios. Demolition tools and equipment will be electrically-powered and silenced, where practical. Noisy plant and equipment will be located to minimise potential noise nuisance.

Measures such as fine water spray and sheets will be used to reduce dust escaping from site boundaries. Lidded bins or sealed plastic bags will be used to transport debris away from the site and lorries will be covered. Road conditions will be constantly monitored.

Traffic Management

With the Peninsula Hotel project and Westminster City Council, we have agreed a collaborative Traffic Management Scheme, with deliveries via Halkin Street. 

Smaller scale deliveries will be made via Headfort Place and stored within the building’s existing loading bay, this will be coordinated by our own dedicated traffic manager. To ensure a high level of health and safety compliance, fully trained banksmen are in attendance to monitor all deliveries. Deliveries are pre-booked and phased accordingly to avoid congestion outside the site.Site Operatives

All site operatives undergo a comprehensive site induction and health and safety training prior to starting. Welfare facilities are provided on-site.

Site Operatives

All site operatives undergo a comprehensive site induction and health and safety training prior to starting. Welfare facilities are provided on-site.

Construction Communications

Regular newsletters will be distributed to update stakeholders and the surrounding community at key points in the construction process and in advance of any works that are expected to be noisy. Please sign-up for digital newsletters and updates here.

You can find key site contacts on this website to get in touch with any on-site emergencies or general enquiries. A record of all comments made by members of the public will be kept, and we will keep a record of what action has been taken to address any comments or issues.

Community Liaison Group

A Community Liaison Group has been set up during the planning process and will continue during the construction phase to ensure ongoing two-way communication with local residents and key partners. Members include neighbours and community organisations, and local ward councillors have a standing invitation to attend as representatives of the community.
